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Morarji Desai & Sri Aurobindo

  To and about Morarji Desai  [1]  A. B. PURANI: This is a telegram from Dr. Chandulal Manilal Desai. . . . The other gentleman about whom he writes is Mr. Morarji Desai, originally a district deputy collector who resigned his post in the Non-cooperation movement and has been in public life since. I heard that he had spiritual inclinations.  In case they are permitted [for darshan], they would naturally remain outside. The wire can be sent even tomorrow, on the 16th — and they would have time to reach in time.  Sri Aurobindo : It is better if they have no time. Why should prominent politicians come trooping down here like this? I don't understand. Better wire that it is too late.  15 February 1935  [2]  MORARJI DESAI: Since 1930 I have been making an effort to put the Yoga preached by the Gita in practice as I understand it. . . . I cannot however say that I am on the right path and every day I realise how immensely difficult it is to give   up attachment in every form & still

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